Evgeny Katichev: It took us a while to get started and after that we were unstoppable

You didn't have a good start tonight,what happened in the locker room ?
There were some changings in the line-up,coaches were trying to find different combinations . It always takes us a while to get started,but then nobody can stop  us.

You scored your first goal of the season, how do you feel about it?
It's always nice to score goals,especially when your team is winning. But i'm a defenseman and my job is to play good D. And If there's a chance for a shot I always take it!

Zhenia, what do you think about this home series of games that's just finished?

It was'n bad at all! We have 7 points out of 9 - pretty good result. We could've played a little better but we're still happy!