Spartak vs. Traktor 4:5 (SO). Press-conference after the match

Valery Belousov, Traktor’s head coach:
I believe Spartak deserved a win tonight. It’s great that we were able to save the matchup. Defense’s performance tonight was horrendous; it was due to their mistakes that I had to substitute the goaltender and switch to three lines mode. Once again though, I would like to thank my players for their resiliency.

Andrey Sidorenko, Spartak’s head coach:

We thoroughly prepared for this match since we were up against one of the overall league leaders. We played the ideal 50 minutes of the game; but then we lost our focus, made several mistakes, allowed an illogical third goal; next thing you know the score was tied. Of course it’s a shame that we lost the match that we had seemingly won, but nonetheless, I would like to commend my players for their heart and will to win.

Question to Sidorenko: Did you consider pulling the goaltender in the overtime when your team had a power play?
Yes, we did, but decided not to.

Question to Sidorenko: Your choice of players for the penalty shootout was somewhat surprising.
Zhukov used to begin penalty shootouts for us. Besides, Khoklachev usually performs his penalty shot in a different manner, but tonight he changed it and, unfortunately, could not put the puck away.