Traktor vs. Dinamo Riga 3:1. Press-conference after the match

Artis Abols, Dinamo’s head coach:
We had a decent start of the match, but then four penalties ensued, and we lost our touch. Traktor’s movement was way better in the second; however, my players were able to hold up, and that was great. As for the third period, it was evenly matched; both teams had goal-scoring chances, but Traktor utilize them better. Nevertheless, I can’t blame my boys for the lack of desire and will to win tonight.

Valery Belousov, Traktor’s head coach:

I have to agree with my counterpart on many points he made; we began the match differently from how I envisioned it; second period was way better, but we should have scored to feel ourselves more comfortable. Alas, that did not happen. Then we allowed a goal, but fortunately were able to regroup and come away with a victory.

Question to Belousov: What’s the medical status of Vasilchenko and Katichev?
Vasilchenko got a cold; Katichev has a broken finger.

Question to Belousov: When will Maksim Shalunov get his chance to appear on the ice?
Белоусов: I tell you what, my dear journalists – I can’t allow everyone on the ice. You want me to replace Chistov? Or Kostitsyn? Shalunov will get his shot, I can assure you. All in good time.